Anna Travis is approached by a man whose son has gone missing. Eventually DCS Langton tells her to start investigating it. When Anna questions the man's girlfriend she admits he has gone missing but says she thinks he has run off with another woman. Anna finds herself in a strange situation trying to work out what has happened. A pool of blood is discovered under the bed but there are very few personal belongings at the flat so obtaining DNA samples to compare to the blood is not possible. All the reports received about Alan Rawlins say that he is a hard working, polite, quiet man and there appears to be no reason for him to have disappeared or been killed. Travis finds herself getting very frustrated by the amount of interference by Langton and it is unclear for a while whether their shared past is going to jeopardise the case.
I really enjoyed this book. I found it really easy to read and was realy interested to find out what did happen to Alan Rawlins. There weren't too many characters in the book so it was easy to "get to know them". In this case Anna worsk with a new team of detectives so will be interesting to see if this team continues next time or whether Mike Lewis et al return
I love Lynda La Plante (the ones I have read, got a few on the tbr pile). Haven't read this one so will need to keep an eye out for it. Thanks for the review.